Let’s Swing Into Sensory Heaven

Parents of children with autism know that nothing comes easy. But sometimes a little creativity and imagination can make all the difference. One idea that has been gaining popularity is the use of sensory swings for kids with autism. In short, these swings provide a calming, comforting sensation to help alleviate stress and anxiety. Here’s why they might be right for your family.

The Benefits Of Sensory Swings For Autism

Sensory swings are designed to provide deep pressure input, which is helpful in soothing children with autism who may be overwhelmed by their environment or dealing with mood fluctuations. Additionally, sensory swings can help with posture and body awareness in children who struggle to achieve both due to physical or cognitive issues. Additionally, they can encourage calming movements and can also be used as an exercise tool when done correctly.

When used in combination with other techniques such as occupational therapy, sensory swings may have even more profound benefits for kids on the spectrum. They can help improve body awareness and coordination, reduce anxiety, promote relaxation and self-calming behaviors, increase attention span and social interaction skills, develop motor skills, and build strength. All of these benefits work together to give kids the opportunity to live life more comfortably and confidently each day.

Choosing The Right Sensory Swing For Your Child

When it comes to choosing the right sensory swing for your child’s needs, there are several factors you should consider before making a purchase. First off, make sure you find a swing that offers adjustable tension straps so you can customize it according to your child’s size and weight. You should also look for a swing made of durable materials that will hold up over time—think cotton or canvas fabric instead of nylon or polyester fabrics which won’t last as long. Finally, look for a swing that provides adequate support but isn’t too tight—this ensures your child will get the most out of their sensory experience without feeling uncomfortable or restrained in any way.


Sensory swings are an excellent tool for parents looking for ways to help their children with autism adjust more easily to their environment while improving posture and overall body awareness at the same time. When combined with other therapies such as occupational therapy sessions or speech therapy exercises, sensory swings can offer even greater benefits by providing comfort during times of distress while helping children become better equipped to handle everyday life situations more confidently than ever before! Plus they’re fun! So why not give it a try? Who knows – maybe swinging into sensory heaven will soon become one of your favorite daily activities!

How a Weighted Blanket Can Help Kids with Autism

Having a child with autism can be difficult. It is important to find ways to help them manage their emotions and make them feel comfortable. One tool that many parents have found helpful is a weighted blanket. A weighted blanket can provide deep pressure touch stimulation, which can be calming and soothing for kids with autism.

The Benefits of Weighted Blankets for Autistic Children

Weighted blankets provide deep pressure touch stimulation (DPTS), which has been shown to help reduce stress, anxiety, and sensory overload. The weight of the blanket provides gentle pressure on the body, giving it a feeling of being held or hugged, providing safety and comfort in stressful situations. This type of stimulation works by stimulating certain nerve endings in the skin that produce hormones like serotonin and oxytocin, both associated with relaxation and calming effects on the body.

Weighted blankets can also help children sleep better at night by providing comfort and security while they are sleeping. Many autistic children experience difficulty when trying to fall asleep due to sensory overload caused by external stimuli such as sounds or lights. The deep pressure therapy provided by a weighted blanket helps their bodies relax so they can drift off into peaceful sleep easier. In addition, having something familiar and comforting like a weighted blanket can help reduce separation anxiety during bedtime or when travelling away from home.

When choosing a weighted blanket for an autistic child, it is important to find one that fits properly according to their size and weight. Generally speaking, the rule of thumb is 10 percent of your child’s body weight plus 1-2 pounds (for example if your child weighs 40 lbs then you would need a 6-7 pound weighted blanket). It is also important to check the quality of the fabric used in making the blanket; ideally you should look for breathable fabrics such as cotton or bamboo blends for maximum comfort during sleep hours. Additionally, some blankets come with removable covers so you can remove the cover easily if necessary for washing purposes.


Weighted blankets offer many benefits for children with autism including improved sleep quality, reduced stress levels, increased safety and security when away from home, as well as calming sensory input during times of high stress or anxiety. When selecting a weighted blanket for your child it is important to consider size, weight requirements as well as material composition in order to get maximum benefit from this therapeutic tool. With these factors taken into consideration you will be able to choose an appropriate weighted blanket that will provide your child with comfort and relief during those difficult moments when nothing else seems to work!